Chimney Repairs


Chimney Repairs Dublin – 40 years Repairing Chimneys

Chimney repairs, Irish Roofing and Roofing Repair have over 40 years experience and can help you resolve all issues you may be having with your chimney, from Relining to Fire Damage.

Cracks in your chimney can lead to water getting into the chimney fill around your flu-liners.

It will then lead to stains on your interior walls as it work its way down.

Untreated cracks can cause damage to your block and plaster work. Fix it today before it does more damage.

After a chimney fire your flu liners can crack, causing sand to appear in your fireplace.

Chimney fill which is used to protect against fire is falling into the crack and appearing in your fireplace.

This can be a real fire hazard.

Replace your flu liners or have your chimney re-lined with a flexible steel liner from Irish Roofing and Roofing Repair.

Are you searching chimney repairs and roof repairs Call 018430776 

Chimney Repairs Before and After

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